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Stories of Impact

Stories of new scientific research on human flourishing that translate these basic discoveries into practical tools.

Dec 13, 2022

Today’s episode features Templeton World Charity Foundation President Dr. Andrew Serazin and John Templeton Foundation President Heather Templeton Dill, as they discuss Sir John Templeton’s legacy while considering human flourishing at TWCF’s first-annual Global Scientific Conference on Human Flourishing.


Dec 6, 2022

We’re excited to report that the first-annual global Human Flourishing Conference was a tremendous success, with over 4,000 people attending sessions with luminaries like author Cheryl Strayed, social scientist Arthur Brooks, and more. We’re going to bring you a more in-depth exploration next week of the conference,...

Nov 15, 2022

Today’s episode features TWCF President Dr. Andrew Serazin and Dr. Brie Linkenhoker, founder of Worldview Studio, discussing another collective celebration and exploration of human flourishing — TWCF’s Global Scientific Conference on Human FlourishingThis first annual world-wide conference will take place on...

Nov 1, 2022

Today’s episode is all about the impact we can have when we make informed, ethical choices. It can be nearly impossible as a consumer to know where your clothes are coming from and to ensure that they were ethically and sustainably produced, from the spinner of the cloth to the dyer of the fabric to the person sewing...

Oct 20, 2022

This week’s episode takes us to Kenya, where we meet Tom Osborn, community mobilizer, entrepreneur and research scientist, and Harvard psychology graduate. In his long list of accolades and successes, he is most recently co-founder and executive director of the Shamiri Institute. Shamiri’s innovative,...