Jan 17, 2023
Have you ever been in a group of
people, everyone focused on the same thing — a sports
competition or a sermon or a performance — and you’ve had a
feeling that you’re being transported or transformed by what you’re
experiencing? It’s when you’re been a part of a collective moment
of being that is so powerful and so meaningful that you forget
about any self-consciousness or shyness or hesitation, and you feel
swept up in what might be called celebration or rapture, or joy, or
There’s actually a term for those beautiful,
resonant, collective experiences — collective effervescence. Today,
we’re exploring the collective effervescence of Koolulam, “a social-musical initiative aimed at
strengthening the fabric of society, centering around mass-singing
events.” Featuring Professor of Psychology at the State University
of New York, University at Buffalo,
Dr. Shira Gabriel
and Koolulam’s co-founders,
Or Taicher,
Shahaf, and
Ben Yaffet.
Music for this episode courtesy of Koolulam, featuring One Day and other choral works