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Stories of Impact

Stories of new scientific research on human flourishing that translate these basic discoveries into practical tools.

Jan 16, 2024

Before we ended 2023 we met two researchers, Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas and Dr. Timothy Lomas, who shared their research on human flourishing, and each touched on the importance of human connection and relationship as an antidote to loneliness. In our first episode of this new year, we continue that conversation, this...

May 16, 2023

Today, we’re speaking with Dr. Christopher Hays, the president of ScholarLeaders International and director of the  Faith and Displacement Project at the Fundación Universitaria Seminario Biblio de Colombia. Dr. Hays explains how the Faith and Displacement Project is working with an established network of churches...

Jan 17, 2023

Have you ever been in a group of people, everyone focused on the same thing — a sports competition or a sermon or a performance — and you’ve had a feeling that you’re being transported or transformed by what you’re experiencing? It’s when you’re been a part of a collective moment of being that is so...

Dec 6, 2022

We’re excited to report that the first-annual global Human Flourishing Conference was a tremendous success, with over 4,000 people attending sessions with luminaries like author Cheryl Strayed, social scientist Arthur Brooks, and more. We’re going to bring you a more in-depth exploration next week of the conference,...

Nov 15, 2022

Today’s episode features TWCF President Dr. Andrew Serazin and Dr. Brie Linkenhoker, founder of Worldview Studio, discussing another collective celebration and exploration of human flourishing — TWCF’s Global Scientific Conference on Human FlourishingThis first annual world-wide conference will take place on...